Join the Audubon Society, San Miguel Chapter, on a very special birdwalk this coming Sunday, Feb 21, when Bob Graham, Signe Hammer and Norman Besman (3 local birding experts) take all “aficionados de aves” on a walk at the Charco del Ingenio botanical garden, where many interesting birds are now present, especially in the early morning. Recent sightings have included white-faced ibises, groove-billed anis and crested caracaras, plus Monarch butterflies.
Meet at the entrance to Instituto Allende on the Ancha de San Antonio at 7:45 am on Sunday morning. Be sure to bring a hat and water. Cars will be available, but if you drive one that can be shared, it will be very much welcomed.
The leaders will have the Audubon bird guides with them for purchase. (Also, the new Audubon butterfly guides, spectacular in themselves.) The walk is free for Audubon members and 100 pesos for others. You’ll be back by about noon. People with questions may call Linda Whynman at San Miguel local number 152-2139.